Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No time for retention.

I am counting down, just over 216 days until we have a new president! I am hoping for big changes..........

I am considering re entry into the United States with the entry of a new resident of the White House! cross your fingers or better yet, VOTE!

I have been running around the US since I arrived in May and for the past couple of weeks, trying to stabilize in Tulsa. I arrive and my sister is in the hospital - now in a back brace and recovering from a compression fracture. The next weekend we are out biking and a friend of my brothers is hit by a car - my blue schwinn (the source of my blog inspiration) is okay, but Edy from Mozambique and my Uncle Mike's bike have soft tissue damage, a bottle of pain pills and serious frame and tire damage.

We should have had lights, but people in Tulsa are not aware of bikers and it is plain rude to hit someone with your car and run off, little lady in a black VW bug. We do have a piece of her sideview mirror with some numbers on it, the officers were not that interested in finding the car it appeared. I thought I had found an important piece to the case, the plastic piece off the mirror, they barely even took it from me the 2nd time I mentioned and handed it to them. The friendly officers were more concerned with why in the world we wanted to ride bikes a couple of miles to get tacos.

We did get tacos, I found a taco beuno and delivered them to Edy and Matt in the ER.

Steph in her new brace, Matt and Me.

So, not such a stable, peaceful first week in Tulsa, but the past week has been better. Made a presentation to my parent's ITP group on the Nareshwadi Learning Centre project in India. Getting some good bonding time with my Sister as we are staying together, seeing a lot of Mesa and Matt, working in my Dad's office to make some money, able to ride the bleu velo down at the river park most days and celebrated Father's Day in a cabin, playing cards and grilling out near Poteau and Heavener. Where my distant Flynn relatives had escaped the hanging judge in Arkansas and escaped to No Man's Land, Oklahoma before it became a state, in the 1800's. Reliving a bit of family history.
We did meet joe johnson, this fabulous man who is running a prison education program, progressive guy for Poteau Oklahoma, my dad has started volunteering at the prison as well.

I visited Seattle after Portland, the Pacific NW is a beautiful place. Took the ferry back and forth from Bainbridge Island to Seattle, the sunset was stunning. Wasted a beer or 2 barely making the ferry, as we completely lost track of the loading of vehicles on the boat. I visited the University of Washington, exploring my options for a possible return to the US in the New Year.

View from friend's house on Bainbridge.

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